Affordable, reliable and fast hosting with enterprise-grade SSD

Semi Dedicated Hosting

Our Semi Dedicated Hosting Plans are High-End, robust Hosting solution which allows you to run Intensive Applications. Unlike Shared Hosting packages, Our Semi Dedicated Servers have huge Space, Bandwidth, Processor, Memory and designed to be a perfect VPS alternative.

Why host your website with ROBTEC Hosting?

Select your hosting plan below according to how much power your website needs . You can easily adjust or upgrade to an even more powerful hosting plan as your website becomes more successful

Take your web presence to the next level. A semi-dedicated hosting offers you large CPU/Memory usage quotas and is perfect for media-rich websites. our robust servers is based in a state-of-the-art secure Sydney, Australia data centre for speed, quality, and complete peace of mind.

Performance Matters

With ranges of cores, SSD-powered servers, and an optimized network, our semi-dedicated plans are perfect for high-traffic or high-performance sites

Fast NVMe SSD Semi Dedicated Hosting

Our latest-generation 100% NVMe SSD drives allow us to deliver your website with up to 16x faster speeds.

99.9% Service Uptime

Minimal downtime so that you have excellent server up time that’s reliable and affordable.


$ 40
  • 25GB NVMe SSD Storage
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • 4 (400%) Full CPU Cores
  • 4GB of Memory
  • Free SSL Certificates
  • 100MB/s IO
  • DNS Cluster Powered


$ 60
  • 50GB NVMe SSD Storage
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • 8 (800%) Full CPU Cores
  • 8GB of Memory
  • Free SSL Certificates
  • 100MB/s IO
  • DNS Cluster Powered


$ 80
  • 75GB NVMe SSD Storage
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • 10 (1000%) Full CPU Cores
  • 12GB of Memory
  • Free SSL Certificates
  • 100MB/s IO
  • DNS Cluster Powered


$ 100
  • 100GB NVMe SSD Storage
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • 12 (1200%) Full CPU Cores
  • 16GB of Memory
  • Free SSL Certificates
  • 100MB/s IO
  • DNS Cluster Powered

cPanel or DirectAdmin and Softaculous

cPanel and DirectAdmin is the web hosting industries leading control panel for Semi-Dedicated Hosting for its easy-to-use interface, Security, features and available modules to customise hosting services. DirectAdmin easily allows you to manage MySQL Databases, Email Mail Accounts, PHP Configuration, Domains, Subdomains, Email forwarding and other services. We also include popular App installer Softaculous giving you access to over 450 apps.

Acronus Backup

We use Acronis to backup all your accounts’ data once daily to store for 30 days on a remote server. This ensures that your data is always kept safe in the unlikely event of a server problem.

LiteSpeed Enterprise Web Server

LiteSpeed Web Server is up to 9 times faster than Apache Web Server and processes PHP 50% faster. LiteSpeed Web Server fully supports .htaccess, mod_rewrite, and everything else that Apache Web Server is well known for.

Free Website Transfer

If you are moving from another hosting provider, we will transfer your account for free. Just sit back and relax as we take care of all of the work for you!

CloudLinux Operating System

CloudLinux ensures efficient use of server resources and increased server stability. This prevents an abusive user or malfunctioning script on the server from causing your website to be slowed down.

PHP Selector

Our servers support PHP versions 5.6, 7.x, 8.0 and 8.1. You can select which PHP version you want to use directly from your control panel.


MariaDB is an enhanced drop-in replacement for MySQL which was developed by the original developers of MySQL. MariaDB has greater database performance, more advanced features and complete backward compatibility.

Advantages of our Semi-Dedicated Hosting

High Spec & Uptime Guarantee

All of our servers are the latest spec, and our infrastrucutre means we can continuously update our hardware without ineruption to your service. It’s also fully redundant, so we can provide a 99.9% uptime guarantee.

Free Let’s
Encrypt SSL

Each and every account / domain you host on our servers includes a completely free 256 bit SSL certificate installed in seconds.

24x7/365 Support

Our dedicated support team is available 24/7 to answer all technical difficulties you may encounter with any of our products.

Daily Backups as Standard

All of our hosting accounts come with fully automated backups with the ability to restore directly from within DirectAdmin.

Safe, Secure, Trusted

Website downtime can cause customers to lose faith in your business, and cost you money. We strive to have your site up and running 100% of the time.

Money Back

If your not completely satisfied, simply cancel and request a refund within 30 days. We also don’t tie our customers in – ever.

Imunify360 Included

Imunify360 is the worlds most intelligent malware detection and website protection tool. Imunify360 watches your website 24 hours a day 7 days a week and protects it from attacks and hackers.

Premium Mail Gateway Relay

There’s nothing worse than sending an important email and it bouncing back due to bad IP reputation, a common issue with most hosting providers. To combat this we invest heavily in MailChannels Outgoing Mail Relay, ensuring your mail gets sent from clean IPs and delivered to the recipients inbox every time.

Included free

Premium MGR Outgoing Relay is included free of charge with all accounts.

Inbox, not SPAM!

MGR ensures your emails are delivered to the recipients inbox every time.


100% SSD-Powered Hosting with Firewall at both ends, Imunify360 Malware and Virus Scans, CloudLinux Security, Mod Security Enabled

Technical Overview

Key Features:
Domain Management:
File Management:
Database Management:
Unlimited Feature:
Web Applications:
Security and Protection:
Email Features: